Many people with disabilities use Reiki, whether being treated by another, for self-treatment or to treat another, often finding their way to using the energy after receiving it themselves.

Reiki is an important part of life at places such as Lincolnshire House, Scunthorpe, a modern residential centre for people with cerebral palsy and associated disabilities. Several members of staff there have become Reiki Practitioners since it is an extremely popular therapy which residents continually request. This in itself shows it can become an accepted part of their life. Those involved with people with cerebral palsy including carers and families, have witnessed massive improvements in attitude towards using Reiki over the past decade, not only hands-on, but also because it can be performed and accepted from a distance. This is ideal for someone who has dystonic cerebral palsy, which involves painful and difficult to control muscle spasms.

Treatments can be adapted to suit the needs of the recipient; a seated treatment or laying down, even in a ball-pool;  in fact as requested or as acceptable to the recipient. It is interesting that residents at Lincolnshire House regularly ask for Reiki and it is accepted that their bodies adapt to the energy. They speak of less stiffness, pain and discomfort and are aware that the positive results help their attitude as well as their physical problems.

Some Masters teach that hands-on is the way to complete a treatment while others teach hands-off. It is noticeable whilst treating anyone with a disability, be it physical and/or mental, or simply being afraid, that hands-on is usually the more acceptable way. Should a recipient be deaf or without sight, they could wonder what was actually happening unless they had hands touching them and therefore be less able to actively relax. Those who feel vulnerable need hands touching them too. Whichever way, it will have been agreed with the recipient or their carer.

Haven House at Nottingham, is a unit which gives support to adults who are experiencing a mental health crisis and Reiki is being taught to staff there as a means of support for clients. A senior staff member said ‘We find that the treatments really help people who might be highly distressed, anxious or depressed to find some calm and emotional stability. It can help people to regain a sleep routine and stimulate appetite after long periods without food.’

No matter what one’s disability is, Reiki is there for them. Reiki simply has no hold-backs for people with disabilities.

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