The Reiki Directory

Reiki Directory

Reiki Healing & Training • Bright Future Now

Reiki Healing & Training • Bright Future Now

Reiki Healing & Training • Bright Future Now

Reiki healing and reiki courses

An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught practically and transferred to the student an “attunement” given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of “life force energy” to improve one’s health and enhance the quality of life.

Reiki levels 1, 2 and 3 courses are on the Events Calendar and are also offered on request. Drop us a line to arrange:

Chakra Healing

A powerful energy healing modality that clears, energises, aligns and activates all 12 energy centres in the body and benefits the mind, body and spirit.

Energy Healing

At Bright Future NOW we are passionate about the mind-body link and often combine energy healing and Transformational Therapy for complete results.

Address: 102 Towngate, Leyland PR25 2LR, UK


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