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EAZy Balance Complementary Therapist and Wellbeing Specialist | Reiki | Bedford |

EAZy Balance Complementary Therapist and Wellbeing Specialist | Reiki | Bedford |

EAZy Balance Complementary Therapist and Wellbeing Specialist | Reiki | Bedford |

EAZy Balance Complementary Therapist and Wellbeing Specialist in Bedford.

EAZy Balance Complementary Therapist and Wellbeing Specialist in Bedford. Reiki treatments to Improve relaxation, release tension and stress, improve sleep and mood, relief pain. Rapid resolution of psychological distress such as trauma, addictive urges, emotional eating, anxiety, phobias, panic, obsession (OCD), depression, grief, rage, shame, guilt, and many more emotional imbalances.

Address: Asgard Drive, Bedford MK41 0UT, UK

Phone: 07308956432


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